Control Your Web Content
**I originally wrote this article in 2016. It has been updated since then with new information as of 2022**
Did you know that when you use free or cheap services like, Etsy, or even some paid services like Squarespace, you do not control content? Meaning that if for any reason, Squarespace, Etsy or whomever deems your content, obnoxious, offensive, or otherwise in violation of their terms of service, the service provider has a right to pull your content and shut down your site. We have seen this happen over and over again in 2021 with various “free” social media sites. It happened to my own sister in February 2015, and her ban remains in effect as of December 2021.
“Our Terms of Use state that: “We may terminate or suspend your account and your access to the Services at any time, for any reason, and without advance notice.””
Anne -Etsy Trust & Safety – February 2015

The 411 or how to get banned from Etsy
So here is the scenario, my sister’s friend, Kate made custom wedding toppers on Etsy. During peak times Cherry Red Toppers was producing 100 cake toppers a month. They were busy, Kate was forced to hire an assistant.

Ashley’s job was to answer Etsy messages and to assist customers in ordering their custom toppers. Since each topper was 100% custom made to order you can imagine that there were quite a few people who needed assistance. The CherryRedTopper username and password was provided to Ashley and she answered for Kate (always an IT nightmare, don’t do this). They went on like this for several months. Until February, when a “non-delivery concern” sparked Etsy to require an in depth analysis of Kate’s design process. Etsy requested the following information:
- All shop info
- The names of everyone involved in any aspect of my shop from ideas to creation to shipping,etc
- Location of shop, identities of photographers, shipping locations, etc
- Photos of everyone involved in the shop
- Detailed description of how all items are made
- Length of time to make each item
- Every material used – and photos of raw materials of all everything involved with making the item
- Where materials are purchased plus proof of purchase of materials: photos or scans of receipts
- Photos of all tools and equipment
- Photos of all work spaces
- Photos/graphics of all patterns used for items
- Photos of a step-by-step process of how everything was made
How Can this Be?
Etsy does not want her money any longer. After years of purchasing her account has been terminated, PERMANENTLY.
Because Etsy 100% owned Kate’s entire store, they suspended it until “ample justification” was provided. During part of her justification process it was revealed that Kate had, had another person answering her messages. Etsy felt this was a violation of their policy and demanded that Ashley be added as an employee of Cherry Red Toppers. Once added, to the account Etsy was once again angry because now Ashley’s personal account had been added ipso facto. Kate shared that several times her store was reactivated one day, only to get a scathing email and another suspension the next day. After several attempts to satisfy rather lengthy requirements Kate turned in the towel and closed her once lucrative store.
This is where the story gets interesting.
Because Ashley’s account was associated with Cherry Red Toppers she has also lost her *BUYING* privileges. Yes, that is right. Etsy does not want her money any longer. After years of purchasing her account has been terminated, PERMANENTLY. Think it is too good to be true? Here are links to stories that sound have the same air of lunacy.
So Common They Even Have a Form Letter
We appreciate you reaching out to us. I regret to inform you that Etsy has elected to revoke your account privileges permanently.
We do not make such decisions without great consideration, but a history of transgressions in a related account has brought us to the conclusion that our relationship must now come to a close. Our Terms of Use state that: “We may terminate or suspend your account and your access to the Services at any time, for any reason, and without advance notice.”
You can review those Terms here:
Because ***** is connected to CherryRedToppers which is no longer eligible to sell on Etsy, we’ve elected to discontinue our relationship with ***** as well.
We ask that you or an agent acting on your behalf do not create new accounts on Etsy without prior express permission from Etsy Admin. We also ask that you close any and all active Etsy accounts. Accounts created or used without permission will be terminated without warning.
This letter should not be construed as a waiver of any rights by Etsy, Inc.
We wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Etsy Trust & Safety
I tell this story frequently. It drives home the message to CONTROL YOUR WEB CONTENT. As the saying goes, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” These companies are not providing MILLIONS of dollars of man hours, server space, etc out of the kindness of their heart. Everything provided to you for free or cheaply, has strings attached. Including complete deletion of everything you worked for and developed regardless of, “your income or your ability to generate revenue through the Services”.
Here is a link to the and Squarespace Acceptable Use policy. On the surface it seems innocent enough, but notice the Adult Content and Crude Content warnings. Many of my past clients are birth professionals. They regularly posts pictures of childbirth. These images are often powerful, but could be construed as adult and sometimes crude (Shocking or Graphic). While Squarespace provides a couple examples the content is still 100% up to interpretation, and thus could be destroyed without your consent. Web help is not cheap and the services TDI offers are not incredibly difficult. We are not reinventing the wheel or coding the next Facebook, but we are offering the security of knowing your content is uniquely controlled by you, the business owner.
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